
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare – Nuova patch in arrivo

Sledgehammer ha rilasciato una nuova patch per Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, ora disponibile su Xbox One e prevista su Playstation 4 e PC in settimana. L’aggiornamento contiene diverse migliorie sul piano delle modalità di gioco online e del System Hack, oltre ad un generale bilanciamento delle armi. Di seguito è pubblicato il contenuto della patch.


Weapon Balancing Updates


  • HBRa3: max damage range increased
  • AE4: reduce recoil, increase number of shots before overheating
  • EPM3: reduce recoil
  • Tac-19: max damage range increased, reduced spread when using Gung-Ho

Scorestreak Updates


  • Removed skull HUD element from System Hack Scorestreak UI effect
  • Adjusted the score value the System Hack Scorestreak
  • Adjusted the view of the XS1 Vulcan Killcam
  • Fixed a rare occurrence of the Goliath Drop Pod getting stuck after colliding with an air-based Scorestreak
  • Fixed a rare occurrence of the Orbital Care Package getting stuck after colliding with an air-based Scorestreak
  • Fixed a rare issue where a player could become “invisible” when calling in a Scorestreak
  • Fixed a rare issue where a players HUD would become blurry when using a co-op Scorestreak

Game Mode Specific Updates


  • Adjusted various spawning logic for Capture the Flag game mode
  • Adjusted various spawning logic for Momentum game mode
  • Fixed issue where the CTF flag was unresponsive to players that were on top of the flag when it spawned
  • Fixed an issue with the CTF flag not returning if a player was standing on top of the spawn point
  • Addressed rare issue where CTF flag was not being returned immediately
  • Fixed issues with planting the bomb after attempting to swap weapons in Search and Destroy
  • Adjusted dynamic event timing in Search and Destroy & Search and Rescue
  • Adjusted various spawning logic for Uplink game mode
  • Uplink Satellite Drone now freezes when round timer ends
  • Adjusted passing distance for the Uplink Satellite Drone
  • Fixed an issue where going out of bounds on certain areas of the map would cause the Uplink Satellite’s physics to behave strangely upon reset
  • Randomized loadouts to survivors in Infected